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1456430cookie-checkMass Effect: Andromeda Denuvo DRM Reportedly Removed In 1.09

Mass Effect: Andromeda Denuvo DRM Reportedly Removed In 1.09

BioWare dropped a new update for Mass Effect: Andromeda, and in patch 1.09 for PC, it’s being reported that the update also silently removed the Denuvo DRM.

DSO Gaming is reporting that the move came swift and silent, and that the Denuvo anti-tamper DRM has been removed.

The original 1.09 update added a lot more basic fixes to the game, including brushing up more of the facial animations and cinematic scenes, improving the performance stability, the inclusion of the Platinum difficulty setting in multiplayer, and addressed a number of other bugs, including textures disappearing, Ryder getting stuck, the save/load platform disappearing, a bunch of UI display features not appearing properly, and an issue where the Logitech keyboard cause the key backlight to work improperly.

On the improvement side, they did add HDR functionality to Windows 10 Creators update, along with a new Ansel DOF control suite for the photo mode.

Of course, a lot of these issues still can’t fix the fact that the game is just sub-par all the way around.

While a lot of people who aren’t very good at games or don’t play games often have found Mass Effect: Andromeda serviceable, people are quite knowledgeable about games, and have played more than just what’s released on the Xbox One and PS4, have rightly called out a lot of the low-quality issues plaguing Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Many of these issues can be summed up due to poor quality control and staff too incompetent to work with the high-end Frosbite 3 game engine.

Multiple reports have also indicated that EA has put any plans for DLC on hiatus, and Mass Effect: Andromeda won’t have its story finished anytime soon. I don’t think most people would mind given how low quality and uninteresting the overall story arch actually is. BioWare likely has one more chance to prove themselves with Anthem before EA considers shutting up shop.

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