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HTC Vive Price Lowered To $599; New Wireless Adapter Coming Soon

The HTC Vive for the longest was $799.99. A hefty price for a piece of VR tech. If you managed to save up some coins over the summer and you have a PC with at least a GTX 970, you can bite the bullet and now get the HTC Vive for only $599.

Over on the official Vive blog, HTC’s Matthew Gepp announced that the VR headset has had its price reduced by $200… permanently.

Gepp explains…

“[…] we are reducing the price of Vive by $200. The high-end, PC-based consumer Vive that is in market today, and will be for the foreseeable future, will now be available for $599. “

According to the post, HTC is currently working with Google, Apple, Intel, UPS and Volkswagon to continue to improve and enhance the versatility and software compatibility of the VR headset. They’re also bringing new tracker software online regularly, and will be launching some new consumer products for the Vive “soon”, which includes a new wireless adapter.

If you have $600 to blow… don’t blow it on a VR headset.

The reality is that there are no must-have killer-apps for the VR platforms other than maybe Arizona Sunshine, and even then the game is just mediocre compared to every other shooter out there. Superhot VR is a good game and really fun to play, but it’s not worth spending $600 on.

The reality is that VR blows.

Most of the games don’t have very good graphics, or the resolution issues are oftentimes made a lot more clear since the lenses are jammed up to your face. The locomotion in a lot of games still feels awkward. Most titles don’t even have arms, you’re just using either disembodied hands or disembodied weapons. And there has yet to be anything worth the high price of entry where you’ll need a high-end gaming rig, an expensive VR headset, plenty of room-scale space to play in, and an overly expensive VR game that’s usually only a couple of hours long.

Until they start making real games for the headsets that aren’t boring, sickness-inducing, poorly thought-out tech demos, the only thing you should do when it comes to purchasing a Vive or a Rift is…


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