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Open Discussion: October 29th, 2017

The last Open Discussion for October has arrived. Each weekend OAG holds an Open Discussion for you to participant in that explores a wide variety of topics. If you happen to be into movies, TV shows and, of course, video games, the Open Discussion series bunches all of that together and turns it into a discussion.

Every Sunday comes a new Open Discussion, and each time one entry turns up it means that whatever is on your mind can be put up for the public to see; whether it be related to videos games or other mediums. furthermore, if you happen to stray off topic and wish to bring something unrelated to the table you are more than welcome to do so.

Like any other post on this site, any comment will be approved and will not face any form of censorship. If WordPress or Disqus holds your comment captive or censors it, message us and we will restore your comment.

As for this week’s Open Discussion topic it revolves around the upcoming 2spooky4u Halloween. In other words, what’s your favorite movie, game or TV show that seems scary or has good thriller elements?

For me it would have to be the original Doom games, although on several accounts John Romero noted that Doom was not supposed to be a scary but a fun game, I still like the feeling and atmosphere the original series depicted and explored.

I mean, come on, look at this cover art for the original Doom 1 game. The whole idea was about a single guy blowing through demons (which were supposed to be Aliens but id Software couldn’t get the rights) and narrowly escaping whilst somewhat trapped on Mars.

Doom art 3

Doom art 4

Remember, you don’t have to take part in the Open Discussion topic at hand, but you’re free to write down your thoughts on what games or titles that you think hold dark, bloody, scary or psychological horror elements.

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