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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Booster Crates Has Some Fans In Dismay

A new video by YouTuber DylanRocket, the one who data mined EA and DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront 2 files, has revealed something called Booster Crates. The thing is, though, a lot of fans took to various forum boards and stressed their concern that these crates could hold unfair advantages in practice.

At this point there is no telling whether or not these “booster crates” add an advantage or if they are what we think they are, but what is an ongoing fact at this moment is that fans are debating among themselves about how these “booster packs” entering Star Wars Battlefront 2 will play out.

If you haven’t seen the footage showing this new event that is assumed to be apart of EA and DICE’s “progression system” initiative, you can watch the video that DylanRocket posted right here:

The discussion has grown quite considerably after DylanRocket’s findings that YouTuber Quinn Knight found himself stumbling across this discussion about whether or not EA and DICE will add in unfair content in these booster crates.

You can hear his summation and opinion on Star Wars Battlefront 2 booster crates below.

In other words, winning teams during this event will gain “epic star card booster crate(s)”. The thing that is stirring up dismay and concern about these “booster crates” is the how EA and DICE handled the situation regarding loot-boxes and microtransactions insofar that it created an unfair balance in certain situations.

If you want to read over one of the many threads about this very situation regarding the “booster crates”, the link to the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Reddit thread, as mentioned in Quinn Knight’s video, can be accessed by hitting up

Lastly, there’s no telling how this system will play out, but it’s best to keep an eye or two opened for anything in case the system is actually fair or unfair.

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