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1540620cookie-checkVermintide 2 Beta Sign-Ups For PS4, Xbox One Are Now Live

Vermintide 2 Beta Sign-Ups For PS4, Xbox One Are Now Live

Fatshark announced that Vermintide 2 is set to arrive on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One at some point in 2018. During the early half of next year gamers will be able to pre-order the upcoming first-person cooperative shooter.

Martin Wahlund, CEO of Fatshark, commented about the revelation of the home console versions, mentioning in the press release…

“Although speculations have been correct all along, today we are happy to start talking more console specifics as the Xbox One and PlayStation versions have been confirmed”

While the home console versions won’t have pre-orders open until next year, the PC version of Vermintide 2 already has pre-purchases available. Yes, you can pre-purchase the entire game right now along with collector’s edition from the Steam store page for 10% off the normal price for $26.99.

They also recently posted up a developer diary about some of the new weapons in the game, including the Warpfire Thrower, Ratling Gunner and Poison Wind Globadier. You can check those out over the Steam community page.

As for the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game, they will have beta tests that will go live during the spring of next year, starting in March and April.

If you have a PlayStation 4 and want to participate in the beta, you can register over on the PS4 beta portal.

If you have an Xbox One and want to participate in the beta, you can register over on the Xbox One beta portal.

Registration is pretty easy, you just use an active e-mail address, and make sure to check your spam or junk folder for the confirmation e-mail, and then wait until next year to see if you’ve been selected to participate. Easy peasy.

No release date has been set yet, but it sounds like the PC version will launch in the first quarter and the Xbox One and PS4 versions will launch either at the tail end of the first quarter or at some point during the second or third quarter. For further information on Verminitide 2, feel free to visit the official website.

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