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1548950cookie-checkBioWare’s New Job Listings Could Point Toward Anthem’s Delay

BioWare’s New Job Listings Could Point Toward Anthem’s Delay

BioWare confirms Anthem’s delay with new job listings that call for gameplay programmers, lead cinematic tools programmers, technical artists, senior level designers, environment artist, and principal gameplay designers.

In an indirect way BioWare has confirmed the latest rumor or delay in regards to Anthem. Not too long ago, “sources” speaking with Kotaku told the website that Anthem will launch in “early 2019”.

The site claimed that due to complexities found in Anthem’s development, EA and BioWare needed to delay the game.

BioWare never admitted that Anthem had to face a delay, but this move by the development team proves that Anthem is far off from releasing for public consumption due to the following job listings:

If you look closely, all of the jobs point to Edmonton with only half a job listing calling for someone to apply for the Austin studio. This links up with the controversial figure known as Anita Sarkeesian making an appearance at the Edmonton studio.

In addition to the above, forced narratives/content might show through  these job hires given that when Sarkeesian spent a day at Sledgehammer Games studio to help Call of Duty: WW2 better represent “women and creating a gender-inclusive culture,” some Liberal-oriented content found its way into said game.

There’s no telling how Anthem will turn out given that BioWare’s existences is riding on both a new Dragon Age game and Anthem, after the blunder that was Mass Effect: Andromeda.

What is known now is that Anthem will not release anytime soon due to important roles such as gameplay programmers, lead cinematic tools programmers, technical artists, senior level designers, environment artist, and principal gameplay designers still being sought after.

As of right now, BioWare has to juggle two games that are in early development, which happen to be a new Dragon Age game and Anthem. This information was disclosed by Mark Darruh on January 26th.

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