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1547030cookie-checkGod Of War Won’t Have A Season Pass, Paid DLC Not Ruled Out

God Of War Won’t Have A Season Pass, Paid DLC Not Ruled Out

Creative director Cory Barlog confirmed that God of War does not to have a season pass. These passes allow for gamers to bypass buying individual DLCs or gain access to exclusive content, but it’s unclear at this point if the newest iteration will have paid DLC.

The upcoming God of War sees Kratos departing from the original Greek setting that most fans from the beginning should know well, and now sees him with a son going on a perilous adventure. Currently exploring Norse mythology, players will guide Kratos through a lengthy adventure, fighting Norse gods and other mythical creatures.

Whether folks like this story-line or not, what is for certain in this day and age is milking gamers through microtransactions or through DLC. Some publishers and developers have the audacity to add pay-2-win mechanics behind MTX, while others feel that locking 20 characters behind DLC is a consumer friendly ideal.

Something often associated with the aforementioned practices comes season passes. Season passes supposedly offer gamers all of a game’s DLC arriving post launch, ensuring that they don’t have to keep paying for the content long after release.

However, the season pass will not be in the upcoming God of War, due to Corey Barlog explaining this to a user on Twitter by the name of Matthew. You can read the conversation between the two, which touches on a Season Pass and the new God of War story:

It’s worth noting that just because no Season Pass is in God of War’s road plan doesn’t rule out individual paid DLC. It’ll be interesting to see if Santa Monica Studio will add in paid content to elongate the main story, milk gamers post-launch or not add in paid content at all.

The new God of War is currently slated to launch exclusively for PS4 and has no specific release date as of this moment.

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