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1547910cookie-checkNatsume To Bring Wild Guns Reloaded To Nintendo Switch This Spring

Natsume To Bring Wild Guns Reloaded To Nintendo Switch This Spring

Wild Guns Reloaded has been announced by Natsume to hit Nintendo Switch this Spring. The game is already made available to purchase and play on PS4, and has been available since December of 2016 and for PC in July of 2017.

Often referred to as a remaster, Wild Guns Reloaded also features some brand new content, too. The game was developed by the original team and features classic characters and stages, but also reflects new playable characters, enemies, stages, and local 4-player support.

Two years ago came the PS4 release, which was followed a year after with a PC version. Fans of the original were able to jump in and play the classic SNES game from back in the day on the latest home consoles and PC, however with enhanced stuff.

Thanks to Natsume’s official Twitter account we learn that the classic shoot ’em up game, Wild Guns Reloaded, will soon hit the Nintendo Switch sometime this Spring.

There’s no telling if special content will be made for the Switch version of Wild Guns Reloaded, but what is for certain is that the game in question is in development for Nintendo’s fast growing device.

This news should be appealing to those who enjoyed the original game and own or plan to buy a Switch, since it will be coming to another growing platform.

The only part left unsaid at this moment is the official Switch launch date. It’s said that the game will make a debut sometime this Spring, resembling that of its PC announcement, which was slated for a Summer release.

Lastly, we do know that Natsume will update gamers and fans alike soon thanks to the tweet saying “keep watching our Twitter for more details~”.

If you want to keep up with Wild Guns Reloaded Switch version and what Natsume has in store, you can hit up for more information.

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