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1549190cookie-checkF1 Caves To Feminists, Fires Grid Girls In Order To Be Progressive
Angry Assault

F1 Caves To Feminists, Fires Grid Girls In Order To Be Progressive

Sean Bratches, Formula 1 managing director of commercial operations, acknowledged that the organization will be firing the grid girls for the 2018 season onward for the F1 races. This move is being done to be more progressive after feminists attacked the motorsports organization for not firing the models that walk out onto the track in branded fashion.

According to the Associated Press, Bratches explained…

“We feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms. We don’t believe the practice is appropriate or relevant to Formula One and its fans, old and new, across the world.”


“Over the last year we have looked at a number of areas which we felt needed updating so as to be more in tune with our vision,”

This change also applies to the Formula 2 races as well.

The motorsports organization received praise from the feminist organization, Women’s Sport Trust, which had previously targeted the organization after they successfully managed to get the models fired from the Professional Darts Corporation events.

As is typical with this sort of news, many of the models were not at all pleased with being out of a job due to the chatterings and pesterings by feminist organizations.

On the #GridGirl hashtag there are various grid girls who are complaining about being out of work thanks to the feminists.

As one feminist explained, this whole movement is part of a bigger picture; if women lose their jobs so that men can no longer ogle at women or desire them, then it’s fine for hundreds of women to be out of work to deprive men of that satisfaction.

Many women who work in the model industry decided to sign a petition to help get their jobs back. Some of them depended on modeling and being walk-on girls or grid girls to make a living.

The original petition over on has garnered more than 38,000 signatures as of the writing of this article.

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