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No Man’s Sky Waking Titan Updated, New Commands Provide Hints

No Man’s Sky Waking Titan has been updated and provides more hints for gamers and fans alike to uncover. The space adventure title by Hello Games is currently available for PC users via Steam and PS4, and is shaping up for its next major update.

That’s right, No Man’s Sky is currently out, but the developers at Hello Games have not abandoned the 2016 title and have not charged space goers a dime for any of the major updates that have hit No Man’s Sky since release.

Expected to follow in the same direction of major updates shipping for free comes that of update 1.4/1.5, which is being hinted at through the very new part of Waking Titan.

Not too long ago, the Waking Titan now reflects new command lines, whereupon putting certain things into the query board reveals the following text as seen in the screenshots below:

No Mans Sky Waking Titan update 2

No Mans Sky Waking Titan update 3

No Mans Sky Waking Titan update 4

You can get a better view of each of the three command lines shown in the above screens by hitting up the given links highlighted: Command 1, Command 2, Command 3.

The update in question is speculated to bring a plethora of content to No Man’s Sky, although it’s unclear what will come through this teased update. There are a lot of theories floating around and about, but what is for certain is that this update will likely follow the scale of past updates — like update 1.3.

No Man's Sky - Floating Alien

If you have no idea what any of this means you can head on over to a very handy site called, which summarizes key points and phases that happened throughout Waking Titan.

Lastly, if you want to, you can play detective yourself and try to find out more command lines and input phrases that might unravel this mystery by paying a visit.

No Man’s Sky is out now for PC and PS4.

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