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2018/08 Opens FCK DRM To Promote Anti-DRM Practices

CD Projekt Red and has come under fire in recent times for kowtowing to Social Justice Warriors, but the company recently opened up a new website called to warn the general audience about the dangers of DRM. This ironically comes shortly after Irdeto announced that they would be using similar solutions to Denuvo as an anti-cheat system.

Torrent Freak is reporting that the new website promotes anti-DRM practices, warning gamers (in particular) about the dangers of DRM, something that core gamers have been trying to convince people of for the last decade. It wasn’t until an EA Origin user got screwed out of all his games did some people finally wake up and realize that the shills have been selling them a dangerous lie about the benefits of the all-digital future ran and operated with restrictions and copyright protections flowing through the industry like veins being powered by a heart of DRM.

If you visit the website, it has a list of what you get and what you lose when you purchase a product laden with DRM.


As explained on the site…

“Games with DRM include a layer of software or code on top of what’s needed to just play the game. Nowadays DRM will send your information to an online server, it could run checks to see if you touched any files, or outright refuse access unless you’re logged in somewhere.


“In other words, DRM is there to question what you’re doing every step of the way.
Why should you care about DRM?


“Because there is a killswitch built into your games. Sure, DRM might not affect you right now, but corporations hold the key and they’ll only let you in as long as you can repeatedly prove ownership. As long as you’re connected to the internet. As long as their DRM works without fault. As long they’re still around.


“So should the burden of proof be on you? Do you place your trust in someone who doesn’t trust you?”

The website promotes non-DRM websites, like the digital distribution music portal, Bandcamp, as well as the Project Gutenberg website for books, and Moving Image Archive for movies.

Of course, takes an opportunity to plug its own website for DRM-free video game distribution as well. also invites other DRM-free digital distributors to have their website or services featured on the website by reaching out via e-mail at iwantto(at)

This, of course, doesn’t absolve and its parent company CD Projekt Red from constantly siding with SJWs or bending the knee to the community of perpetually outraged members of the Intersectional Inquisition.

Just recently CD Projekt Red,’s parent company, apologized for tweeting out a joke that said “Did you just assume their gender?”, which caused SJWs to creep out of every corner of social media to attack the company for being “transphobic”. Hours later the company deleted the tweet and apologized to SJWs. This is actually the third time that the company has apologized to SJWs. was also caught deleting some of the politically charged reviews for the very politically charged anti-Brexit game, Not Tonight. seems to want to placate the SJWs while also fighting back against DRM.

(Thanks for the news tip Correctus)

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