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The Bard’s Tale Trilogy Cheats Give You Infinite Health, Infinite Gold

Krome Studios and inXile Entertainment’s The Bard’s Tale Trilogy popped out onto PC on August 14th, 2018. The package is a collection of trilogies from the classic DRPG series from way back in the day. There are cheat trainers available for gamers who have the trilogy and want to cheat their way through the game.

You can download the free trainer from over on the Mr. Antifun page.

The cheats for The Bard’s Tale Trilogy contain the following options:

Infinite Health

Infinite Spell Points

Infinite Gold

The cheats allow you to basically breeze through the combat without losing your HP or without losing any gold when you purchase items. In order to make use of the health and spell points, you have to first get into a fight before you can activate the health or spell cheats.

Additionally, before you can activate the infinite gold cheat you need to first pick up some gold and then activate the cheat.

The trilogy is actually being rolled out in parts. The first game is available right now, but the The Bard’s Tale II: The Destiny Knight is set to release in the fall, and before 2018 is out The Bard’s Tale III: Thief of Fate will be released before 2018 is out.

There are also plans to include a Legacy Mode, which also includes more settings and options to give veteran players more reasons to dive back into the game.

The developers have also been working on patches to upgrade and improve the overall gameplay mechanics. They’ve been consistently publishing patches. The user reviews have mostly been quite positive for the old-shcool game remastered and brought up to today’s standards for playability. You can pick up a digital copy of The Bard’s tale Trilogy for $14.99 from over on the Steam store right now.

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