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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reported To Have Post-Launch Microtransactions

A new report has hit the web stating that Activision and Infinity Ward’s upcoming 2019 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which is said to be a soft-reboot, will launch without microtransactions (MTX). However, the devs will reportedly implement the money making mechanic in later to avoid potential scrutiny.

There are some people who feel that CoD 2019 will revive the series, while others remain skeptical — with every right. Falling in line with the latter group, the following information regarding the game that will supposedly bring CoD back to its gritty roots will have post-launch MTX.

In addition to the above, the information explaining the below post comes in from website where purchasable CoD Points will be a thing “sometime after launch,” which shouldn’t come in as a surprise:

If you are wondering about the validity of the above description, it is part of the different “editions of Modern Warfare” via the pre-order section. Examining this non-surprising act, it mentions that COD Points will be “made accessible in the game at a later date.” The publication site followed up the description with the following words:

“[…] Modern Warfare microtransactions will be something that Activision and Infinity Ward will roll out at some point after launch, which isn’t surprising given this has been Activision’s M.O. the past few COD entries.”

The queries that remain unanswered as of this very moment is, how egregious will Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019’s MTX be when it goes live? Will its monetized live-service attract more government attention? Will it make the game a grind fest? Or will the game have, for once, a none controversial (which I highly doubt) implementation of MTX mechanics? Time will tell.

But what is for certain as of this writing is that Activision and Infinity Ward’s forthcoming FPS will have CoD Points at or around its launch.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will make its debut this year for PC via, PS4, and Xbox One on October 25th, 2019.

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