Focus Home Interactive and Deck13’s The Surge 2 had received a limited closed beta back in late May. After the test, the devs have announced that the forthcoming sequel is due for release across PC via Steam, PS4, and Xbox One on September 24th, 2019.
Last month, we reported that the devs behind The Surge 2 are working hard on the upcoming sequel. After receiving feedback from fans via the closed beta, the devs have finally integrated whatever was documented and have now released The Surge 2‘s official due date.
We’re excited to announce that The Surge 2 will release worldwide September 24 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC!
— The Surge (@TheSurgeGame) June 4, 2019
The Twitter announcement made by the official Surge account outlines the platforms and the date and time the upcoming Q3 title will release. As seen above the release date is September 24th, 2019, for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Furthermore, an important question to ponder over is, will The Surge 2 become an Epic Games Store exclusive forcing Steam users to wait an entire year or will it stay the steady course and release as promised? While we wait for the answer to that question, the devs talk briefly about The Surge 2 different editions:
We'll have a limited edition available at participating retailers. More info about that tomorrow
— The Surge (@TheSurgeGame) June 4, 2019
That’s right, on June 5th, 2019, at a random time, the devs will share information regarding The Surge 2’s special editions. I’m not sure how many there will be, but we’ll find out tomorrow. In other words, stay tuned to for more info on what editions will surface and what they’ll offer.
Lastly, if E3 has you excited, the devs have stated that this year’s expo will be their biggest one yet. I’m not sure if the devs are exaggerating, but if you want to see whatever Focus Home Interactive and Deck13 have in store for gamers and fans alike, then July 11th – July 13th has your back:
The team is working hard to prepare our biggest E3 yet – stay tuned!
— The Surge (@TheSurgeGame) May 29, 2019
In the meantime, the second Surge for PC, PS4, and Xbox One will release this year and has a Steam page up sporting screenshots showing off enemies, armor, environments, and weapons.