The executive director of OrcaCon, a tabletop and board game convention centered around “diversity” and “inclusivity”, announced that William Daleabout’s Virtue Signal: The Game Of Social Justice, was banned from the event.
The announcement came via way of a tweet reply on October 7th, 2019, where the executive director of the convention – complete with pronouns in their profile – stated that the board game lampooning the regressive antics of Social Justice Warriors, would be banned from OrcaCon.
Welps. Another game to put on our ban list at OrcaCon. Ya know, our “well branded political event with some games”.
— ️ Gonna get Spoopy in Oaxaca! (@_Danicia_) October 7, 2019
There are people in the thread complaining about Virtue Signal, the upcoming tabletop card game, declaring it to be “awful”.
Yah, it was awful. :/
— ️ Gonna get Spoopy in Oaxaca! (@_Danicia_) October 7, 2019
The card game wasn’t going to be able to appear under the merchant hall anyway since it’s not finished and isn’t due out until 2020. That’s not to mention that OrcaCon closed up the merchant registration back in August, and the event is set to get underway over the October 12th weekend.
We have locked our Merchant Hall list! If you submitted an application, you’ll be hearing from our team this week!
Missed the date or didn’t make it this round? You can email to be added to the 2021 Merchant Hall Interest List. We’ll email you next year!
— OrcaCon (@OrcaCon) August 12, 2019
If you’re not familiar with Virtue Signal, you’re probably wondering why actual Social Justice activists would take such great offense to a card game that unravels the minutiae of their ideologically-driven movement? Well, it’s because the card game points out how hypocritical, contradictory, and bigoted Social Justice Warriors actually are.
You can get an idea of what the tabletop card game is like with the pitch video below.
At the moment, Daleabout’s card game has garnered $22,735 out of its $25,000 goal with 22 days left on the campaign.
Virtue Signal: The Game of Social Justice is still currently being crowdfunded over on Kickstarter.