I’m not sure why devs keep making these games based on over-saturated fads that leave no room for mistakes, but I digress. As of now, the same devs behind Dead by Daylight are canning development on Deathgarden: Bloodharvest, given that it has very few people playing.
Despite failing to release on PS4 and Xbox One, although Deathgarden: Bloodharvest has trailers for both consoles, it looks like the asymmetrical co-op survival game didn’t fare well on PC.
But, I should show you the following trailer if you have no clue as to what Deathgarden: Bloodharvest is:
Nevertheless, anyone paying attention to trends like horror-survivals and battle royale games will know that one too many in an overloaded spectrum won’t last long unless said game has a brand name behind it or a unique hook to bring in casuals, but even then, that’s not always a given — like Battleborn.
Well, not too long ago, Behaviour Digital took to deathgardengame.com to relay the following message:
“They say all good things must come to an end. Over the past few weeks, our team has been rather quiet about the development of Deathgarden. Witnessing the decreasing player base, we’ve been working on finding solutions: we sought advice, considered many different scenarios, looked at various solutions, but unfortunately, none of them would change the fate of this project. Today, it is with a heavy heart that we’re announcing the end of Deathgarden’s development. To honour the production team’s work, we have decided to give the game a meaningful last breath by finalizing every feature we’ve been working on.”
Furthermore, the devs will host a “Deathgarden’s sunset Play with the Devs” live stream starting on December 12th, 2019. For the curious, it will be held on twitch.tv/deathgardengame starting at 3:00 P.M. EST.
Before the stream goes live, Deathgarden: Bloodharvest was made free to play over on its Steam page, which some paying fans aren’t too happy about.
Given that the game is digital, just like Battleborn (although it does have physical prints out in the wild), you can’t play the two games once the servers shut down — all due to their live-service nature. So, if you’ve paid for Deathgarden: Bloodharvest or playing it for free, cherish these moments because once the game is gone, it’s gone.
Lastly, servers will stay up at the end of the year, and you will still be able to play the game as long as matchmaking is viable.