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Cory Barlog Says He’d Love To Bring God Of War To PC, But It’s Above His Paygrade

There have been games on the market that are exclusive to a console, making it so that fans must buy that console to play that specific game. However, in recent times, exclusive titles to a system or two are branching out and hitting other platforms. In this case, Cory Barlog came forth to share that he would bring God of War over to PC, but he isn’t in the executive chair to do so.

If you recall correctly, you’ll know that Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to PC after a year-long console run — though it was sort of obvious it was coming to PC given the leaks.

Death Stranding is another recent case — despite Hideo Kojima saying that the game would later hit PC back in 2015 — many believed the upcoming November due game would stay a PlayStation 4 exclusive.

Speaking of Kojima, the mind behind the 2018 God of War game has popped up to offer his take on exclusivity and whether or not Death Stranding’s exclusivity matters.

The conversation all started thanks to PushSquare doing a “Let’s Talk” segment that sure got people talking about Kojima’s forthcoming title and exclusivity.

Anyway, here is Barlog’s take:

This take would draw Twitter user FameEnt2k out of the digital woods to question Barlog on whether gamers on PC might see God of War crash land on said platform. Here’s the exchanging of words for your viewing pleasure:

In other words, if Barlog were Kojima or had more money (or higher position) to do so, folks might see the god reveling in war head to PC in the foreseeable future.

Lastly, while there are people thrashing about at the notion and prospect that Barlog has considered bringing a staple mascot of the blue house to PC, what do you think about all of this?

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