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Headliner: NoviNews, Fake News Political Simulator Launches For Xbox One, PS4

Chorus Worldwide and Unbound Creations announced that the fake news simulator, Headliner: NoviNews, is currently available for the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. The game originally came out a year ago in October of 2018 for PC, and now console gamers will have an opportunity to take a crack at the fake news sim.

This game isn’t a typical Left-leaning title, though. You’ll have the opportunity to choose what sort of headlines you run and how they’re framed, just like the real mainstream media.

However, unlike other titles where you just see the results of your actions via stat tracking and resource management, you’ll get to see how things unfold in real-time on the ground level, where your news can incite cultural tensions, riots, protests, revolts, or violence.

You can get an idea of what the gameplay is like and how the news affects the simulated world of Headliner: NoviNews.

I’m shocked I missed this game’s release last October. Apparently we were swamped covering other games at the time, but at least we managed to take notice this year. So that counts for something… right?

Anyway, I’m duly shocked Sony and Microsoft even allowed a game like this on their platform.

You have the opportunity to completely deceive the general public by telling them immigrants are all good people and allow them to open their borders only for the immigrants to trash the neighborhood and destroy the parks.

Headliner - Riots

You have an opportunity to utilize guile to trick people into thinking drones are completely safe, enabling the corporate autocrats to use military-style drones to terrorize citizens, or you can allow a disease to run rampant throughout the city by not warning people about a deadly bacteria. You can even pull a Buzzfeed and attempt to convince people something dangerous is completely safe, like trying to convince the public that drinking and driving while impaired is good for you, or that spreading HIV is somehow a positive thing.


This is the kind of game that could red-pill a lot of people on the reality and dangerous of mass media manipulation. We see it happen all the time: when the media tried to convince the public that #GamerGate was about a mass uprising of gamers from around the world to harass women, instead of the fact that it was about holding corrupt media journalists accountable for their malfeasance. Or the fact that they’ve tried to paint President Donald Trump as a racist based on literally nothing. Or the fact that they tried covering for Hillary Clinton’s corruption by constantly deflecting her dirty laundry that was aired by Wikileaks by blaming the Russians. Or the fact that there were no WMDs in Iraq but that was what was fed to the general public to go to war in a place that only suffered destabilization and mass Christian genocide since then.

But I could go on all day about the misdirection used by the duplicitous sociopaths calling themselves journalists and working for both enthusiast and mainstream media. For now, you can check out Headliner: Novinews on PS4 or Xbox One for $13.99 over on the Microsoft Store or the PlayStation Store, and get a small slice of what it’s like to be on the frontlines of using news media to completely destroy civilized culture.

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