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Nintendo Switch Home Menu Is A “Piece Of Crap,” Says PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya

Hideki Kamiya is no stranger to controversy. If the outspoken man isn’t blocking people on Twitter or questioning journos if they eat their own waste, then the man can be seen making games or obscene remarks. Yes, the video game designer and director working for PlatinumGames came forth to say that he thinks the Switch main menu is “a piece of crap” and needs to change.

Gamers have experienced a lot of interfaces, especially with the Xbox One series offering multiple UI changes (that weren’t so great) throughout its lifespan. Despite some consoles or systems allowing you to alter and change the main menu, it seems as if Kamiya isn’t a fan of Nintendo’s nifty Switch UI.

Website reports that Kamiya thinks the people behind the UI haven’t played “Nintendo fanboys’ Switch” due to the layout functioning like “trash” when trying to find and play games.

If you want to read through all of Kamiya’s gripes with the device best known as the Switch, you can read the following translation that the publication site has up:

“The Nintendo Switch’s Home Menu is a piece of crap, all of the sh***y gigantic game icons are lined up in a row, but the rest of the games are tossed into a trash can called ‘All Games’… I wonder have they (the people that made the menu) ever played the Nintendo fan boys’ Switch?”

Obviously, the man doesn’t hold back when it comes to expressing his displeasure with something, and it shows with his experience with the Switch’s UI and home screen.

Although the above could be an inside joke or Kamiya memeing to Kekistan’s bank, he offered no correction and still stands by his take as of this writing. With that said, do you think Kamiya is wrong, or do you think the Switch UI is trash?

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