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1554560cookie-checkActor Jorge Consejo Lists Grand Theft Auto 6 on his Resume

Actor Jorge Consejo Lists Grand Theft Auto 6 on his Resume

Right now there are a lot of rumors and supposed leaks flying around about Grand Theft Auto 6. Some content creators have launched a self-proclaimed noble and righteous crusade against any and all rumors. Chiefly because their inquisition has found one or two sources to be spreading heretical lies. Lies that the mainstream media cannot get enough of and echoes endlessly. Leaks and rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, but labeling all as false when several originated from reliable sources or as confirmed by this revelation have details that are true, is absurd.

Courtesy of Respawn First, we now have a confirmed job listing for CG work on Grand Theft Auto 6. Mexican actor Jorge Consejo having appeared in television and movies has now added Grand Theft Auto 6 to his resume.


There are two important elements to his listing. The first is that it involved CGI work, which is not an early stage of the development process. Further Rockstar is very big on performance and motion capture to deliver more realistic expressions in their games. Making it a requirement for all voice actors to conduct motion capture for CGI work. Now the real question is whether The Mexican is a notorious nickname or if it is a nobody of consequence NPC.

It is rather funny that Rockstar who has jumped on the social justice bandwagon has both typecast and given the character such a “racist” name by their own Social Justice standards.

Regardless, the second and more important element is the work took place in 2018. Confirming development for Grand Theft Auto 6, as some rumors have indicated, has been underway for some time. With CGI work being conducted in 2018 it makes an incoming announcement all the more likely. Though as previously theorized the announcement will likely come during a Sony or Microsoft Press conference for their next-generation consoles.

In fact with development this far along it would not be a stretch for Grand Theft Auto 6 to be a launch title on next-generation or at the very least coming this winter as some rumors have put forth. That remains purely speculatory for the time being.

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