Sure many of us joke about our absolute contempt for Fortnite and the kids that play it. Sounding like old man Jenkins cursing the kids and their newfound weird dances and social hierarchy struggles. All the while pausing for a moment looking deep in our souls wondering if maybe we are wrong before snapping out of it and realizing Fortnite is the devil!
Sure some will swear they can’t wait for the day to come where they can dance on Fornite’s grave, but no gamer legitimately would want a child to go to jail for playing Fortnite in real life. Let alone an active serviceman’s son, but that’s exactly what happened to Gavin Carpenter on July 24th last year in Colorado Springs after he and a friend upset a driver while playing outside with a fake as hell orange Nerf gun and a Nerf crossbow, as reported by The Washington Post.
I have no idea how much soy one has to consume to think the above is intimidating or worth their time to pound on two elderly people’s door issuing profanities before calling the police, but apparently the unnamed loser had achieved such levels of absolute pathetic. In a sane precinct, the police would have come out, lectured the man about wasting police time in case of a real emergency and then put the fear of God in the child, so he wouldn’t do it again.
Not Colorado Springs police, no they saw fit to handcuff the 10-year-old child before putting him in the back of a police car and taking him to jail. Where he was processed and subsequently charged with felony menacing for the audacity of aiming an orange Nerf gun at a car.
After months in a diversion program, the family had the charges expunged from Galvin’s record at which point they came out about their story on Facebook and to the local news. Galvin for his part understood he screwed up, but believes the police and prosecutor went too far.
“I knew I did something wrong, but I don’t think I should have got arrested and taken in a car with handcuffs on and taken to a place to get mug shots and my fingerprints.”
His family now goes through the struggle of getting their son to have faith in the system again. Something that if he has any brains after watching it be abused against him he will never have.
“Right now we are trying to install faith back into Gavin that you can trust law enforcement because after all of this he’s scared to death of them.”
Not to get preachy, but there is a heavy cost when a society loses faith in the system. The rule of law is predicated on voluntary cooperation with authorities to mitigate justice, but when the people begin seeing the enforcers of the state’s will as the villains, order soon begins to break down. Look no further than Greece where the Boogaloo slash day of the rope has been silently underway for awhile.
For their part, the family isn’t stupid. They’re moving out of the cesspit called Colorado Springs to a place where the police act less like government goons of a communist state and more like the peace officers they are meant to be.
“I can’t live in a state where my kids can’t be kids and play outside without being scared of being arrested.” Galvin’s Mother wrote on Facebook.
To think we are living in an age where the left is so deranged they actively seek to stop children from playing outside.
(Thanks for the tip johntrine)