The anime adaptation of 07th Expansion’s popular visual novel, Higurashi When They Cry, has had its release delayed due to the ever-invasive presence of Mistress Corona-chan. There’s currently no new release date set but the production committee will keep fans abreast of the news as soon as new information is made available.
Anime Intelligence & Research picked up the news and offered an English translation of the tweet to followers and fans of Japanese animated media.
The new “Higurashi no Naku Koro ni” (When They Cry) TV anime has been postponed due to the significant impact coronavirus has had on the production schedule, new premiere date TBA.
Passione is animating the series which was originally scheduled for July.
— A.I.R (Anime Intelligence (and) Research) (@AIR_News01) May 21, 2020
The tweet originates from the official Higurashi Twitter account, which publicized the bad news on May 21st, 2020. It basically just says the same thing as the A.I.R., tweet only in Japanese.
Passione’s anime series was supposed to make its debut in July of this year, but now the release is up in the air.
The production committee made it known in a short post on May 22nd, 2020 that they apologize for the delay, but they’ll inform fans of when the new anime’s release schedule will go live both on the official website and via the Twitter account…
“The new broadcast start date will be announced on the official website and Twitter as soon as it is decided.”
Until then, you’ll just have to sit tight and wait for additional news as to when the new anime based on the popular visual novel will debut in the land of the rising sun.
Maybe in the meantime you can catch back up on the story by replaying the older visual novels, or checking out the live-action adaptation of Higurashi When They Cry from a few years ago.
(Thanks for the news tip Guardian EvaUnit02)