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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Changes Border War Name And Bio Due To Anti-Illegal Immigration

Activision and Infinity Ward, two names that are on the Traitors of America master list, are for illegal immigration. In a new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare patch, the developer released a tweet acknowledging that the team has changed the “Border War” name to “Home on the Range,” which also doubles over for said skin’s bio. The new wording retracts the skin’s previous “hostile stance” on illegal immigration for something entirely different.

Here’s the tweet in question that acknowledges the change that has been made to the “Border War” name being altered to “Home on the Range.” Additionally, the tweet by Infinity Ward also touches on Border War’s bio being changed too:

Doing actual cross reference, website has a before and after picture of said skin’s name and bio, which shows how Activision and Infinity Ward are in favor of illegal immigration.

The first image reveals the character Border War’s true intentions and what he’s all about with his bio saying: “Show them the error of their ways and make them pay with D-Day’s Border War Operator Skin.”

The second image reveals the changed name from “Border War” to “Home on the Range.” His new bio reads: “Play along with the deer and the antelope with the Home on the Range D-Day Operator Skin.”

The publication site goes on to say that the skin’s new bio is “less offensive” and falls in line with Activision and Infinity Ward’s latest actions when it comes to appeasing the mentally ill, the centrist™, the perpetually offended, the soy boys, and of course the land whales:

“As you can see, the updated version has a less hostile stance or less suggestive when it comes to illegal immigrants. Of course, these changes fall in line with the studio’s changes to the game to make it a bit more inclusive, as it showed support for the Black Lives Matter movement, released a statement on racist player IDs, and even taking out a player gesture since it has connections to white supremacist groups. Chances are, this isn’t the last we’ll see of these changes.”

As noted in the blockquote, expect more changes from here on out. This means updates and newer games will release with unabashed destructive propaganda with no shame in sight. Also, seeing that this move comes on the heels of the “OK” hand gesture being removed for being a “white supremacist” cue only solidifies that the aforesaid is supporting illegal immigration.

Anyway, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now across PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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