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Anime Spring 2021: A Preview

The Spring 2021 season of anime has a lot in store for us, here is a brief preview of what to expect.

New Anime Releases:

               To Your Eternity: A manga series that is long overdue on an anime release. The story follows Fushi, an immortal being that takes the shape of those who leave a strong impression on him. Starting off as a white orb, Fushi transforms from one shape to another, acquiring new powers over hundreds of years. To Your Eternity 1 (9781632365712): Oima, Yoshitoki: Books

               Edens Zero: If you enjoyed Fairy Tail, you will surely enjoy Edens Zero. Written by the same author as Fairy Tail, Edens Zero follows Shiki and his friends on a journey through space to find the cosmic being known as Mother. Despite Fairy Tail’s lackluster storytelling, Eden‘s Zero is a strong improvement and well worth the watch.

Edens Zero -


               My Hero Academia: A fifth season of an extremely popular manga. In a society full of people with special powers (known as quirks), Midoriya aims to become the number one superhero. The existence of these quirks creates an interesting dynamic between societal concepts of heroes and villains, and the author, Kohei Horikoshi, often delves into philosophical and political nuances of a society where almost everyone can be a superhero. While its fourth season was mediocre, fans hope that this season will create a positive turnaround for the series.

My Hero Academia' Season 5: When and How to Watch Episodes Online

              MegaloBox: Nomad: Set seven years since the first, MegaloBox: Nomad follows “Gearless” Joe as he fights his way to the top in the underground world of megaloboxing. “Gearless” Joe is now known only as Nomad.

Megalo Box - Wikipedia

Remakes and Adaptations:

               Shaman King: Two decades after its first release, fans have long awaited a remake of the Shaman King series. This remake of Shaman King plans to stay loyal to the source material and improve on its shortcomings. The anime follows Yoh’s quest to become the Shaman King, and explores many different types of shamanism across different cultures.

               The World Ends With You: Forced into a “Reapers’ Game” against his will, Neku Sakuraba must form bonds of trust on the fly and fight against unknown enemies. This anime follows the same story as the critically acclaimed DS game of the same name. This anime boasts a strong cast with deep characters and powerful themes – and its art style is amazing!

The World Ends With You is getting an anime project - Polygon

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