Escaping into another world, becoming lost in its history and culture, and adjusting to your new virtual reality are some of the best parts of gaming. These kinds of experiences are particularly well-represented in fantasy games, but the genre as a whole is so jam-packed with fantastic quests that it may be challenging to know where to focus your attention.
Fortunately for you, we’ve compiled a list of the greatest fantasy games for PC. As usual, we’ve selected a diverse group of games, ranging from massively multiplayer online role-playing games to 2D action/platformers. This time around, there’s even a sporting event to contend with. Don’t worry if we didn’t include your favorite fantasy game – we may have in the future.
Our selection of the greatest fantasy games for PC has something for everyone, whether you want to kill some dragons in an expansive open world or try something new. All you need is a thirst for knowledge and a spirit of adventure. Let’s get this party started!
Table of Contents

Even after all the excitement has died down, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt remains one of the greatest PC fantasy games ever. This fictional world’s vastness ensures that there will be no lack of human-to-human encounters or stories of pleasure and sorrow. Its charming character comes from its strong emphasis on narrative, both glorious and very ordinary.
The DLC questlines for Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine put it over the top as a fantasy game. There are a lot of fresh takes on classic fantasy tales here, including an interactive ‘Land of a Thousand Fables.’
The Witcher 3 will undoubtedly leave you with a knot in your throat and more than a few tales of your own to share once Geralt’s journey has concluded and you’ve spent dozens of hours with like-minded others.

With Outward, the feeling of embarking on a long, challenging, and perhaps the life-threatening journey is well captured. From packing your bag to plotting your route, even the simplest of activities may seem like they need several steps. Instead of boring you to death, this focuses your attention on the trip itself, making every choice you make seem more significant.
A hastily devised strategy will always lead to catastrophe, so take your time and consider things over thoroughly before venturing outside of the city’s walls. Consequently, even the slightest successes become reasons to rejoice, and the gradual realization that you have managed to make something of yourself in an absurdly cruel world is strangely reassuring. You can also find the best way to go deeper into the game offline using our Hollow Knight cheats.

In terms of Role-playing fantasy games, Hollow Knight is up there among the most generous. In this weird world of gigantic bugs and underground civilizations, you play as a 2D action-platformer. Defeat a succession of difficult bosses while navigating and progressively mapping out your dangerous surroundings.
While the game’s openness and numerous well-hidden mysteries make exploring a joy, it also offers fresh ideas or challenges just when you think the game is winding down or running out of steam. There’s a lot to see and do here, but it’s all well worth your time. That’s all there is to it in terms of the top fantasy games on the PC. We’ve compiled lists of our favorite sword games, roguelike games, and role-playing fantasy games to help you focus your search.

Dragon Age 2 is a game that deserves a lot more attention than it gets in the genre of fantasy games (I really must point out that both Dragon Age: Origins and Inquisition are better). Instead of adhering to the ‘more is better’ maxim seen in AAA game sequels, this entry focuses on delivering an engaging story with a small cast. A raging rivalry threatens to devastate everything in its path, and the city of Kirkwall is rife with fascinating stories and unique people attempting to navigate their way through it all.
But despite all of these dire consequences, the game’s most important battles still seem personal and immediate. There’s an enemy within the city walls before you’ve even arrived, and you have the uneasy feeling that your hard-won triumphs are just postponing the inevitable. Whoever you believe it to be. While the repeated levels and other telltale indications of a rushed production cycle are still evident 10 years later, the good in this game easily exceeds the bad, just as it did when it was released.
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