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How To Remote Play GTA 5 On PS Vita

It may seem odd that Grand Theft Auto V isn’t natively available for the PS Vita, but it isn’t. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that you can’t play and enjoy the game on your Vita, it just means you’ll need a PS4 and a copy of GTA V to enjoy it on Sony’s portable handheld gaming device. This might be especially useful for gamers looking to play GTA V‘s new online heists through the Vita.

There’s a rather hilarious 12 minute video from RiffMax1mus and his buddy explaining how to enable and engage in remote playing Grand Theft Auto V for the PS Vita. Check it out below.

So yeah, you just synch up the PS Vita with your PS4 from the system menu by clicking on link to the PS4. Click “Remote Play” and make sure that GTA V is installed on the PS4. From there you can run the game from your PS Vita.

It’ll take about three minutes to go from the turning on process to the actual gameplay screen, so you’ll need to exercise quite a bit of patience. As they note, you can use the on-screen configuration to access some of the controls that the Vita lacks, such as looking behind you or activating the sneak feature using the bottom left and right touchscreen features.

You can also tap the center screen of the Vita to change the view. All pretty simple, all pretty easy.

With the GTA V online heists up and available, it’s not a bad idea to make prime use of the Vita to enjoy the new modes and features when the television might be occupied because people really want to watch The Walking Dead or Scandal. Pfft, TV newbs.

GTA V’s online heists launched with the latest update for the game, and it’s still scheduled to launch this spring for PC, complete with 30 players and the ability for gamers to mod the living bytes out of the game. Need more info? Feel free to hit up Rockstar’s official website.

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