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The Solus Project Sells 100,000 Copies And Gets A Discount

Grip Games and Teotl Studios announced that The Solus Project has managed to move more than 100,000 copies since launching in June, earlier this year. In light of reaching this milestone, they decided to discount the game by 40% off on Steam and

In a post made over on Steam, the developers announced that not only is the game being discounted but you can also now get your hands on The Solus Project soundtrack from Swedish composer Jonas “Wrench” Kjellberg. The soundtrack features 44 tracks and 96 minutes worth of atmospheric ambiance and music.

The soundtrack is discounted alongside the game, so you can grab a digital copy for 25% off, making it available for only $3.74.

They stated on the announcement page…

“We are happy to announce that the The Solus Project has sold over 100 000 copies since its release in summer. To celebrate we released the soundtrack, and the game is currently 40% off on Steam.


“As a small indie studio we are very pleased to see that the public has recognized the amount of content, depth, and polish of the game that we put years of work into.”

The Solus Project is available across Steam, and Xbox One. According to Steam Spy the game has just over 65,000 owners on Steam, so that means there’s a split between and Xbox One owners who make up for the rest. Obviously, it’s a game with a lot more appeal toward the PC gaming audience.

The project is actually a spiritual successor to Grip Games’ The Ball, which was an Unreal Development Kit project from many years ago. It managed to find a niche audience and become a sleeper hit. Since then the developers have cultivated and expanded on the concepts they introduced in The Ball and turned it into a mystery, sci-fi exploration game in the form of The Solus Project.

If you’re interested in expanding your horizons and checking the game out this weekend as part of the 40% off sale, you can do so by picking up a copy from either Steam or

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