Among the globalist elite there is an impression that the average person is nothing more than a dumb stupid animal that is by and large easy to manipulate and control. Certainly, there is much to disagree with in regarding this position, but the recent Covid-19 panic is frankly getting out of hand and making said disagreement pretty hard. There is never a moment you should panic during a crisis. A cool, collected and rational mind will allow you to make decisions that are paramount for you and your love one’s survival.
Yet the media, including gaming websites like Polygon, continue to whip people into an absolute frenzy. If they were to be taken seriously you’d think the Black Death began touring with the Spanish Flu during a zombie apocalypse.
Without a doubt, there is much to be concerned about, but complaining an entire national retail chain hasn’t shut down for a virus currently only hitting a few areas where 90% of those that get it will be asymptomatic or experience minor flu-like symptoms. Unless you’re health sucks like mine and the elderly, even if you get the virus in the worse cases with medical treatment your survival chances are high.
In short be concerned, be smart, but don’t panic, which is sad an outlet dedicated to geek pursuits and the culture war around them has to be the one to sit you down and have the plague talk with you.
As for Polygon’s coverage, they, like their mainstream counterparts, continue to attempt to whip people into a frenzy. This time around they’re trying to portray Gamestop as villainous. Not for the usual reasons, but because the corporation refuses to shut down nationally for a problem that hasn’t reached national proportions yet.
One manager reported:
“We just got off a conference call about an hour ago saying that we will be staying open our normal business hours no matter what the states are mandating. We asked what happens if an employee does get the coronavirus and came to work with it and we were told that they would have the whole staff of that store on quarantine, the store would be closed to clean it but then they would have other staff come in to ensure the store stays open.”
Now to correct this person, the United States is not Communist China. The Federal nor State Government has the constitutional authority to violate or suspend your rights. Especially not for a pandemic that just reached 100 out 331,002,651 people. For perspective, the Corona Virus in the US hasn’t even surpassed falling out of bed (450) in deadliness. That’s right beds currently are more deadly than the Corona Virus in the US and don’t get me started on stairs (roughly 12,000)
Another manager chimed in with the observation a soulless corporation was in fact soulless.
“I had a region call and a district call today. Both showed very little care for the employees. The focus is on sales.”
It continues with a worker this time confirming business will continue as usual with trade in’s being accepted. A bit hypocritical when faced with the reality that germs are on numerous surfaces and this person certainly would be objecting to no longer being able to buy food from a store because of Chinese imports.
“They are demanding standard trades and tech trades so we are handling a lot of unknown goods.” They said we can use gloves but [the company] cannot provide them so it’s up to us to find them.”
The rest boils down to panic-driven complaints by individuals that are probably better off just turning off the mainstream media. Over on /r/GameStop there is a wonderful cascade of vitriol being spat at consumers for wanting something to do and wanting to engage in commerce.
“just had a customer come in to browse, and he said “glad you guys are open, i just need somethin’ to do!”. CUSTOMERS LIKE THIS ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.” –Assistant Store Leader
…reading through posts on here and other website/social media where people are saying things like, “Lemme get Animal Crossing and then you guys can close.” or “I am concerned about get sick but I still want my game, should I come in and cancel to get a digital copy?” With the situation that GS is currently going through with no one giving a damn about our safety from the top down, you as a customer are just as bad. You have been told to stay clean, dont go outside unless necessary and stay away from people yet here you are every single day coming into the store to shop” –random user
“So annoyed with selfish customers” –Former employee
“At this point I hope no one gets animal crossing” –random User
Yes, there is a certain toxic panic-driven element to the community, but to paint them all as such would be a disservice and a lie. Many have taken to the age-old tradition of meming this.
It is a sad state of affairs that people have been whipped into such a state that they are not turning on one another over games and having to work. It is one thing to appreciate that this event is bad and that it could get very much worse before it concludes and yes it will conclude one way or another. It will without a doubt change the political and economic landscape for years to come with globalists now lamenting the end of Globalism as we know it.
That doesn’t mean you should be panicking or turning on one another because the mainstream media has provoked a state of fear in you. You don’t trust them on Trump, you don’t trust them to deliver the news or cover events, so why would you let them control your emotional state? Look no further than the left to see how well acting off emotions will be for you. Stay informed, stay calm, and stay safe people.
(Header Source: Merryweather)