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Payday 2 Border Crossing Heist Trailer Has Players Taking On American Bikers

You would think that a DLC themed around a border heist would probably involve some rich drug smuggler or maybe a gun-runner, or maybe some coyote operation masquerading as a restaurant or some such, but no… instead the Payday 2: Border Crossing Heist is all about killing some well-armed American bikers hiding out at border roadhouse.

The minute long trailer reveals that the new heist is set to drop on November 7th at the end of the week, after it was initially revealed at the end of October.

The gameplay and map design looks interesting, as it includes a number of different scenarios, including a shootout at the bar and the parking lot, a shootout at a storage facility, and what looks like plenty of opportunities to make use of both long and short-range weaponry. You can check out the trailer below.

The trailer is pretty disappointing insofar that Overkill Software had the perfect opportunity to leverage the whole Mexican cartel arc from the recently released Rambo: Last Blood, to create a little bit of cross-media synergy between the brands, where the heisters take on drug-pushing cartel members, but it appears they decided to go in the complete opposite direction, having players take on patriotic Texans who also harbor a safe full of valuables in the rickety looking bar.


Despite the obvious implications of fighting against rowdy bikers instead of the drug cartel, the trailer itself is well put together, and it gives gamers more of what they probably expected from Payday 2, even though originally Starbreeze said that they were going to end DLC production on the game to work on Payday 3. However, due to financial hardships, Starbreeze went back on their word and is now working on more Payday 2 DLC to help stay afloat during these troubling times.

Usually if a company is that hard up for cash it’s not long after that they end up shutting down or being sold off.

In any case, Overkill and Starbreeze worked fast to get up the Border Crossing Heist DLC, which will be available on November 7th and we also update Pay Day 2 game with some tips and cheats that you can use on offline or single player mode and please cheat responsible.

For more info feel free to visit the official website.

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