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Rumor: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Loses A lot of Pre-Orders

Deriding consumers as both toxic and stupid for not agreeing with terrible anti consumer decisions has unsurprisingly failed to halt the loss of pre-orders if the latest rumors for Call of Duty Modern Warfare are true. Coming from  twitter user TheGamingRevolution — a user with an impeccable track record of accurate leaks — an all hands on meeting was had recently at Infinite Ward and Activision after blowback from pay to win blowback and restricting access of the survival mode for the entire length of the game’s lifespan caused a significant decrease in pre-orders.

Activision and Infinity Ward apparently recent held a big meeting regarding my recent post about Supply Drops. The gist of it is that they’ve lost a tonne of pre orders with the recent news of Survival being delayed by a year on PC/XB and the mictransactions news & are thinking about giving the player the options to earn them again. Nothing regarding microtransactions is set in stone, and like I’ve said countless times before, they are a constant work in progress, but my source wanted to let the community know that they really care.

The current trend of thought amongst the toxic publisher and development house is to allow consumers to once again earn the weapons. Undoubtedly through tedious grinds and patented match making rigging , but as of this writing it appears only the Crossbow will be included in lootboxes with everything else being entirely cosmetic… at launch at least.

Activision has given consumers good reason to be suspicious of more egregious practices being implemented at later dates. They did so with Black Ops 4 and the Crash Racing Remake . At this juncture after Activision promised investors further monetization none of this should have caught anyone by surprise.

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