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Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst, Star Wars: Battlefront Teaser Trailers Released

EA and DICE are looking to take GamesCom by storm. They just released two teaser trailers for their upcoming games Mirrors Edge: Catalyst and Star Wars: Battlefront. The teasers are literally teasers and are only seconds long but they offer just enough of a taste of what’s to come.

Gaming PC Forum spotted the Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst trailer, which gives gamers a brief look at the 60fps gameplay of the free-running platformer. It’s a segment taking place at night and we get to see a brief glimpse of what the multiple routes look like. Check it out below.

That looks really, really good. Graphically they kept the same kind of contemporary look from the first Mirror’s Edge but it’s bigger and seemingly more expansive. The 60fps gameplay is really going to be a huge selling point for that game because the smoothness will play a big part in the playability and fluidity of the parkour.

Getmatsu also grabbed the teaser trailer for Star Wars: Battlefront. The trailer is short and snappy and gives a brief taste of the starfighter mode… even though it doesn’t actually take place in space. You can check it out below.

So A-Wings are in the game? Well, that’s comforting.

The clip there did not disappoint; but that’s kind of how Star Wars: Battlefront has been promoted so far. Lots of small clips and snippets to give gamers a reason to be excited but not enough to actually show what the gameplay is like. The one time they did show off a lot of the gameplay it wasn’t the most impressive looking stuff and it didn’t help that celebrities who had no idea how to play were the focus of the gameplay footage.

On Wednesday Electronic Arts has plans on making both Battlefront and Mirror’s Edge the focus of their efforts during their press conference at GamesCom.

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