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Mirror’s Edge Catalyst OST Will Feature Music From Solar Fields

One of the new developer diaries for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has revealed some startling new information about the upcoming free-running title. For instance, they talk about the open-world missions, as well as the fact that the original soundtrack for the upcoming Mirror’s Edge title will be scored by Solar Fields, just the same as the first game.

What’s more is that James Slavin, the game’s audio director, explains that the game’s music will now be more interactive based on the player’s gameplay decisions. Interactive music is always a welcomed thing and music from Solar Fields is definitely welcomed.

You can check out the video below for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, courtesy of MKIceandFire.

Now that Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is in an open world, it’s opened up the gameplay for a wide variety of additional possibilities that were not present in the first game. For instance, now gamers can do side-missions finally, such as delivering packages or rescuing other runners from certain peril.

Package delivery missions just seemed like such a no-brainer for a game like Mirror’s Edge. Heck, I could do those – timed delivery missions – all day long. It would be like a parkour version of the classic PSX game Courier Crisis.

The video only clocks in at just over two and a half minutes but it gives gamers just a small taste of what else they can expect from the game. I was kind of hoping to get more details on the actual combat and what the controls are like, but I assume we’ll find all of that out when the beta rolls around.

And yes, they’re still accepting applications for the Mirror’s Edge Catalyst closed beta. You can head on over to the official beta website to register to participate in the CBT for the Xbox One, PS4 or on Origin for PC. And yes, it’s limited to Origin… if you were hoping for a Steam beta you’re fresh out of luck.

You can look for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to launch on May 24th for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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