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Early Alpha Video And Screenshots Show Edge Of Eternity’s Battle System And More

Midgar Studio has been working on its JRPG for some time now, and hopes to polish up some rough edges while the game is currently in its early alpha stage. In addition to still being heavy in development, the devs released some new screenshots that accompany a video showing the battle system. Edge of Eternity will be available for Xbox One, PC and PS4, and currently has no release date.

If you can recall, the game took a spin through Kickstarter and managed to have a successful campaign while running through the crowd funding platform. Obviously this helped the game with funding so that the devs can spend more time adding content and fixing content. However, they’ve fixed up a enough to show us a video. For a quick refresh, you can read the game’s official description below, if you want to know the basics of Edge Of Eternity.

“Edge of Eternity is an indie tribute to JRPG classics offering a universe blending fantasy with science-fiction, intense ATB battles and branching story.”

By watching the video, many can tell that the sound and certain features are off a bit, but that’s due to it being in early development. You can check the near seven minute video out below, showing some dialog, and a really long battle outside of a town.

Those curious about the music, it’s composed by the very talented Yasunori Mitsuda. For those that don’t know much about his work that helped shape gaming music, his songs were featured in games like Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger, though he fell ill on the latter and deferred it over to another great composer Nobuo Uematsu — who composed a large portion of the Final Fantasy scores — and is still active to this day.

Moreover, as promised, a batch of screenshots also accompany the video revealing some nice looking scenic locations sprawled throughout the game. You can view the handful of images below.

As noted above, the game will be available for PC, Xbox One and PS4. As for a release date Edge of Eternity doesn’t have one yet, but if you want to learn more you can visit

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