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Tom Clancy’s The Division Update 1.2 Conflict Trailer Reveals Clear Sky Incursion

As glitchy as it is, Ubisoft and Massive recently released a brand new video for The Division ahead of the 1.2 update that will hit PC, PS4, and Xbox on May 24th. I’m sure this update will add more fuel to the exploit flame, which offers more content for players to sift through in the second Incursion conflict, which is entitled Clear Sky.

I’m sure the devs are aware of the issues in PvP and the Dark Zone and especially that messed up Mobile Cover glitch, but what seems to be adding more “fun” to the game seems like it will make certain previous exploited features a bit more abysmal than before. I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw the rope to the DZ extraction get cut, it will only create even more Lenny Face trolls than before. But, anyways, get ready for more glitches and frustration in update 1.2.

Looking over to the serious side of things… the new update will have players exploring the Columbus Circle, stopping agents that were tasked to eradicate Rikers who have taken over an abandoned LBM AA missile site. If not dealt with, players will find that the air routes will be hindered, rendering Agent’s supply drops to be much fewer than before.

Division players will also find that there are new load-outs that have their own special advantages like the Hunter’s Faith, Lone Star, Final Measure and Predator’s Mark. Among this, there will also be new gear and weapons like the Centurion M1911, the Medved Saiga-12, the HH M60 LMG, and the Historian M1A MMR. You can check out the new trailer below.

The comments for the video are pretty funny about how legit players are lamenting the addition of cutting the rope due to trolls lurking the streets of the DZ. All I have to say is, TritanArmy and GamesGlitches will have a field day with this update.

If you can’t wait for the conflict and Clear Sky Incursion update 1.2 for The Division, don’t worry because it won’t be long before it releases. It will land across PC, PS4 and Xbox One on May 24th, and will provide players with more content.

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