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Uncharted 4 Lets You Play Crash Bandicoot

Obviously this is a spoiler, so if you don’t want to find out more about Crash Bandicoot’s appearance in Uncharted 4, you probably won’t want to read any further.

So within the first hour and a half of Uncharted 4, before things get real hot and heavy with Nate and the bad guys, we get a little bit of a look at Nate’s home life where he and Elena are enjoying a night in together. One of the things that Nate opts to do is challenge Elena for washing the dishes (yes, he actually wants to wash the dishes). To do so he attempts to beat her high-score in Crash Bandicoot. This turns into a short mini-game where players get to play as Crash as he races through the first level of the game.

You can check out the segment below at the designated time-stamp courtesy of Mischeifer.

It’s only the first level and will take all of just five minutes to play, but it’s a nice little Easter Egg that Naughty Dog included to give fans a nice nod back to where Naughty Dog’s roots lay with SCE.

The one thing that absolutely floored me was the start-up chime for the PSX. Gosh, I loved that chime. In fact, despite being an N64 fanboy, the one thing that I liked more on the PlayStation than the N64 was the start-up chime. It made you feel as if Sony understood that they made a console that made you feel like you were there to play games and not watch TV on your TV.

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If you were leery about getting Uncharted 4 because you felt like it was too cinematic or too lame or too action-packed, at least for you old-school gamers out there you’ll be able to partake in a bit of nostalgia with the head-nod toward the original Crash Bandicoot. I’m sure Mark Cerny was sitting in a chair with that devilish smile on his face when he came across that scene in the game.

Uncharted 4 is available right now for the PlayStation 4, and you can get your hands on the game either digitally or physically from participating e-tailers and retailers.

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