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Square Enix Announces Dragon Quest Builders’ Western Release Date

Those of you out there, like me, who can’t wait to try out Dragon Quest Builders, Square Enix recently announced during a live stream that the game will hit the west this year. Slated for PS Vita and PS4, the Minecraft version of Dragon Quest is due out October 11th, 2016.

It doesn’t come in as a surprise that the publisher announced Dragon Quest Builders‘ western release date, but it is nice to know when the game will be available to play outside of Japan. In addition to its western release, if you own either a PS Vita or PS4 you will be able to play the game this year.

Slated to hit said systems, this will take place on October 11th, 2016, which I’m sure I’m not the only one looking forward to this game. Yes, it is another Minecraft clone, but it’s a fun looking clone in the Dragon Quest world that has an optional story for folks to participate in. And what I mean by optional story, players can either stick to one place and keep building stuff or venture forth and see the story out to the end, which is pretty cool.

Although I don’t play games like Minecraft or Dragon Quest Builders for their story, it is a nice option for those who get tired of building and want to do something heroic or adventuristic, seeing how there are tactical mechanics with some of the enemies and environments.

Those excited for Dragon Quest Builders’ October release, North America will get the Minecraft-like game on the 11th, while European fans will get it on the 14th. If you are curious about the JRPG builder and haven’t seen the game yet, you can watch NihongoGamer play below. I should note that the video can stand as a spoiler for those that don’t want anything given away.

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