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Umbrella Corps Has New Gameplay Videos And Receives Harsh Negative Reviews

Capcom has been releasing a series of videos for their new survival horror, action shooter game, Umbrella Corps. A new game that is a spin-off shooter that takes place in the Resident Evil universe.

Umbrella corps review score For those of you that haven’t been following the Umbrella Corps game news and videos, it is a tactical team oriented over the shoulder third person shooter, with the option to zoom in for first person precision shots. Capcom received a lot of negative feedback for this game because fans of the Resident Evil series didn’t think that this game fit in with the rest of the series and that Capcom was wasting money developing games that no one wants to play. As of the moment of writing this article, Umbrella Corps currently has a Mostly negative Steam review score, with over 300 reviews saying to skip out on buying the game. Even Metacritic has a user review score of 4.6 out of 10.

Umbrella Corps has both a single player mission mode and an online team oriented deathmatch where you play with other players. You will have a variety of weapons to choose from as you progress through the game, starting with a classic sidearm, and then working your way up to sub-machine guns and assault rifles. You will also have a melee weapon that looks like some type of ice-pick that you can use to pull apart boarded up doors and windows, climb up walls to reach higher ground, or use it to bash in the head of your enemies. The trailer also promises that additional content updates for new maps and game modes will all come for free for no additional costs. Sound interesting? Take a look at the official launch trailer that I linked below, along with the character customization video .


Although it doesn’t really look or play much like a Resident Evil game, there are parts of it that looks promising in terms of it being an online competitive shooter. The freedom of movement to climb through windows, break apart barricades, and the melee combat to counter-attack and kill your opponents looks pretty cool, however some of the animations look a bit clunky and incomplete, giving the game a bit of an unpolished look and feel.

Players have also reported that the controls feel clunky and are difficult to use. I haven’t played the game so I can’t say for sure, however Youtuber TheRelaxingEnd uploaded a three hour long gameplay video to give players a look at what the game is actually like, so I linked it down below so you can see a lot of the gameplay for yourself in live unedited footage.

Umbrella Corps is currently out for PC and PS4 for about $29.99 USD. You can learn more by visiting the official Umbrella Corps website for further details.

Have you played the game yet? Is Umbrella Corps really as bad as the reviews say it is, or is it more-so saltiness directed towards Capcom? Comment below and share your thoughts.

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