You remember Wonder Boy right? Well, if you don’t, the 2D classic platforming side-scroller received a recent update bringing it to PS4, Xbox One and PC. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap sports a hand drawn look with chunky colored characters and environments, and was re-released courtesy of DotEmu and Lizardcube.
The devs behind the game have announced the classic throwback of Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap remake for consoles and PC, and is developed with the help of Ryuichi Nishizawa. For those that don’t know, this is based on Westone Bit Entertainment’s 2D platformer that challenged folks with a hack and slash adventure.
For a better understanding, the game arrives with a description that details what folks will be getting into in The Dragon’s Trap remake…
“Turned into a half-human, half-lizard monstrosity by the Meka-Dragon, a lonesome adventurer is facing the challenge of a lifetime! In search for a cure, our mutated anti-hero will explore the many traps of Monster Land… and defeat many stuff-throwing, curse-wielding dragons.”
As of now, six different transformations are listed, which consist of a lizard, lion, hawk, mouse, piranha and human. I’m not sure if more will join his roster in the future, but the nice variety should add non-stop action between his forms.
The minute long trailer reveals just enough animated parts and enough gameplay to reminisce on the older version, while at the same time showing off what the new devs have in store for 2D platformers. You can catch the video trailer below that DotEmu posted.
I do have to say so myself that the game looks pretty fun and like the original. The art style is very nice looking too, which opts for a very smooth and colorful aesthetic that matches the animated segments in the trailer. Not to mention the smooth animation in-game and how they transcend into other actions.
With that said, no release date has been announced yet, but it will be available for PS4, Xbox One and PC. While we wait for an official release, you can treat your eyes to a four in a half-minute long video of the original game’s beauty…