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World Of Final Fantasy Release Date For PS4, PS Vita Is October 25th

Square Enix released a brand new trailer and additional information for World of Final Fantasy, along with the revelation that the game will be launching on October 25th in North America for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.

The game is being hailed as a sort of crossbreed between a new style of Final Fantasy game and a collection of nostalgic moments from the classic titles that helped shape the brand and turn it into the powerhouse that it is today.

According to the press release, players will assume the role of twins as they battle monsters, capture monsters and venture throughout Grimoire as if they were on a old-school adventure ripped right out of the Super Famicom, where it states…

“[…] players lead a pair of twins, Reynn and Lann, through the land of Grymoire on a search to rediscover their lost memories. Throughout their adventure, players will collect, raise and battle adorable beings of classic FINAL FANTASY lore, including cactuar, chocobo and behemoth, to create customizable, strategic tower combinations to take on the most challenging of opponents.”

They released a brand new trailer for the game to celebrate the official release date being set into stone. You can check out the E3 2016 trailer below, which clocks in at close to three minutes while showcasing the game’s easy-on-the-eyes graphics and classic adventure-style gameplay. You can check it out below.

The story seems like something out of Kingdom Hearts. The SD chibi designs and turn-based combat gives the game a silly but charming look.

The two main characters having the ability to turn into chibi form or normal size seems like it could help the game maintain a fresh feeling throughout, but only if it’s handled well and done right.

The homage to the previous Final Fantasy titles and the crossover of characters from Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and even Final Fantasy XIII should appease both old-school gamers and new-school gamers alike. It reminds me of a more cohesive and coherent version of Dissidia: Final Fantasy.

You can look for the game to launch on the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation Vita starting October 25th. For more information on the game feel free to check out the official website. Also, expect to see Square Enix show a little bit of promotional love to World of Final Fantasy at E3 next week.

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