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Ys VIII: Lacrimosa Of Dana Video And Screenshots Reveal Monsters And Characters

Slated to release over in Japan on July 21st, this year, and will be available to play on the PS4 and PS Vita. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa Of Dana has received a new short trailer and a batch of screenshots showing off Cashew, bosses and monsters of the world of Ys VIII. As of now, no western release date has been set yet, which I’m sure one will roll out soon.

Thanks to Gematsu, new information pertaining to Falcom’s upcoming game Ys VIII: Lacrimosa Of Dana, folks will be able to view the game before it drops this year over in Japan next month. We also get more information on bosses and the JRPG’s characters. For starters we get a taste of Cashew’s personality, who stands as a “refreshing” passenger who admires the dependable Captain Barbaros that commands a big ship.

Looking over to the isle of Seiren, which in the story players are set to go, the characters will encounter big uncanny creatures and mysterious beings known as the “Ancients.” The first enemy is the Clarion that uses its large horns and shockwave to defend itself. The beast also can change colors like a chameleon.

The next beast is known as Giasban. The large Ancient is believed to live at the tallest cliff edge at the heart of the isle of Seiren. I’d image this thing won’t play around with its prey, given that it looks like something from Monster Hunter.

The last creature we get to see comes in the form of Carveros. Standing as a guard near a giant wall to keep introduces out, it stands stationary to unleash brutal attacks that can destroy anything in its path. On both sides of it are two guard heads that move around to protect it from physical attacks.

All of this can be seen below in the batch of screenshots. They all range from the aforesaid, plus more.

And lastly, the devs also sent out a short trailer showing off the latest title to the Ys VIII series, which goes by the name of Lacrimosa Of Dana. You can check it out courtesy of Falcom‘s YouTube channel.

Those pumped about the game will be able to get their hands on it over in Japan on July 21st, 2016. As noted above, it will be available for PS Vita and PS4, and currently has no western release date.

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