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Dragon Ball Fusions Set To Release In Japan On August 4th

Bandai Namco has released a new trailer during the Anime Expo 2016 convention for their upcoming action-JRPG, Dragon Ball Fusions. The new game is like an advanced version of the old Dragon Ball Z RPG titles on the SNES, but with a little extra twist: you can fuse Dragon Ball characters together.

The new trailer posted up over on Bandai Namco’s YouTube channel, featuring near five minutes of gameplay, where we learn about the main characters, how the battle systems work, and the large open world to explore. Check out the video below.

There is a lot to take away from that trailer, especially since it’s jam packed with content. We see the two main characters, Tekka and Pinich, venturing to the Dragon World where a bunch of chibi-sized renditions of the Dragon Ball cast are there. Players will form their party, customize their teammates and venture the world taking on quests and duking it out against some of the legends of the series.

The most impressive thing about the trailer is the promise of getting heroes on the team and then fusing them with others. There’s a variety of processes available to fuse different characters together, ranging from Cell and Frieza to Goku and Krillin.

Since the trailer is in Japanese, it’s tough to tell exactly how many different variations players can make with each of the sets of characters, but there’s plenty of customization present as well, which should help keep the replay values intact.

The combat in the game is a throwback to the old turn-based SNES RPGs based on Dragon Ball, only they’ve been improved to include tactical battle arena positioning and team-based combos. Various attacks can damage opponents on lanes, so to speak, enabling players to exercise a lot of tactical awareness when it comes to who they use and how they use them.

You can look for Dragon Ball Fusions to launch for the Nintendo 3DS starting August 4th, next month. There’s no Western release date for the game yet, but I can’t see Bandai Namco passing up the opportunity to milk that sweet, sweet, North American 3DS market.

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