Ubisoft has been inching out new details for Ghost Recon: Wildlands. They haven’t been keen on throwing everything and the kitchen sink into the hype train’s furnace. Instead, they’ve been letting loose intsy bits of content, gauging the feedback and then rolling out other tiny morsels of information.
The latest trailer for the game has arrived in lieu of GamesCom, which is taking place in Cologne, Germany at the moment. The trailer finally addresses something that’s been lingering on my mind since the game was announced: how much customization will you have in the game?
Well, Ubisoft dedicated an entire trailer to the customization, showcasing weapons, characters, clothing and gender. Check it out below.
My next question is: how the heck do characters interact with each other and vocally acknowledge or carry out missions when you can race/gender swap everybody? I can only imagine the logistical nightmare that would be at the Ubisoft headquarters.
It is cool that you can completely alter how the characters are designed to fit the kind of combat role you prefer.
Do you want your team in gillie suits crawling through the thick foliage of the jungle and sniping people from hundreds of meters away? Cool, it’s totally possible. Would you prefer a skin head with a shotgun that blasts the face off people at close range? Totally cool, because it’s very possible. Do you like blowing things up as if you were Rambo with a disorder to piss C4? It’s totally possible to be that cool.
The whole concept seems to stem from the possibility of players choosing how they play and what their play-style is like. I can’t complain because it’s definitely a step up from the languishing design of Call of Duty’s linear setup where you’re rinsing and repeating a lot of the same combat methods from start to finish.
I was curious if Ubisoft would get heat from the usual outlets because up until now they’ve mostly just showcased the four male operators in Ghost Recon: Wildlands and the last time they did that with Assassin’s Creed Unity everyone started this whole campaign about designing women in games and completely missed the point that you can’t just throw in a new character that far into development and that close to release with an all new mesh, animation set and audio without encountering some serious problems. Unfortunately Ubisoft isn’t very good at PR and didn’t seem to make that point at all.
Anyway, Ghost Recon: Wildlands is due for release on March 7th, 2017 next year for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Need more info? Hit up the game’s official website.