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Guardians Of Ember, Hack And Slash Game Set To Hit Steam This September

Those who like to participate in top-down MMORPGs might fancy InselGames and Runewalker’s Guardians Of Ember. Featuring over 60 plus dungeons, and 300 skills that span across PvP and PvE, Guardians Of Ember is set to hit PC via Steam this September.

Even though it looks pretty generic to me, InselGames and Runewalker’s Guardians Of Ember seeks to bring top-down hack and slash MMORPG fun to Steam next month. The game arrives with a description that details the general gist, which you can read below:

“Guardians of Ember: The new Hack’n’Slash from Runewaker, the developer behind the award winning MMOs Runes of Magic and Dragon’s Prophet. Explore a dark medieval fantasy world with 60+ dungeons, level-up 300+ skills and participate in various PVP options (1vs1, 3vs3, 5vs5)!”

Guardians Of Ember is said to feature dual paths and “unlimited character optimization”. Additionally, this means that you will be able to explore a dual class system that covers each of the four races, and six classes. This also affects the game’s 300 plus active and passive skills, which is broken down and spread across each of the six classes.

Something that seems to be overused in games, notably in indie games, is randomized dungeons… and they will make an appearance in Guardians Of Ember. This is a good thing for end-game purposes, because by the time hardcore players reach the end they’ve most likely seen everything there is to see, and randomized content can help ease the eyesore of age old locations, if done correctly.

Other features include claiming your own house and decorating it, story quest and normal quests to explore, and ranked and unranked PvP options.

The trailer for Guardians of Ember can be seen below, which was posted up today. The new video trailer comes in by InselGames.

Something I do have to say is that this game looks like an old-school point and spam the click button game. But, according to the developer’s descriptions of the game, they say that it is set to be a hack and slash MMORPG.

Anyways, for more information regarding this game, you can head on over to Guardians Of Ember is set to hit PC via Steam this September.

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