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Sony Releases New Last Guardian Screenshots Showing In-Game Scenes

The Last Guardian, the game that seems like it’s been in development for eternity, finally got some new screenshots to accompany its upcoming October release. These new screenshots show in-game scenes of our protagonist and mysterious beast in various locations. Team Ico’s game is set to release on October 25th, for PS4.

Setting things straight, I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product of Team Ico’s game, better known as The Last Guardian. From what I’ve seen of the game, it looks very original in the sense that it’s a puzzle-based game that opts for a scenic and story-driven tale. With that said, I think that this is one of the first puzzle games that really has my attention.

But enough on the above. Recently, Sony published some new screenshots, although they kinda look like the old images published awhile back. At this point, though, I’d take some familiar looking screenshots to fill in the near two month long gap for The Last Guardian’s release than no screenshots at all.

Something that I should note for those who have no idea as to what this game is about, The Last Guardian follows a boy and a mysterious creature in a mystical world. The two form an unbreakable bond and must journey through towering danger together in a ruin derelict.

For a better understanding pertaining to Team Ico’s game, you can check out a video that came out back in June. The video can be seen below thanks to PlayStation‘s YouTube channel.

As of now, The Last Guardian is set to come out exclusively for PS4 on October 25th, which is shown at the end of the above video.

This now brings us to the final part, the screenshots. Before signing out, the 13 images revolve around the boy and the beast in the mysterious land that looks quite interesting. You can look over each image below, thanks to the

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