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Forza Horizon 3 Demo Available On Xbox One Today

If you wanted to play-test Forza Horizon 3 ahead of the game’s launch on September 27th, you can actually do so by downloading a playable demo on the Xbox One.

The racing title features 350 customizable racing machines from various disciplines, ranging from tuners and rice rockets to sports cars and dune buggies. Playground Games has made it where a lot of Forza’s typical features are making a return to form, including the ability to customize the livery of the cars and even outfit some of them with aftermarket bodykits to get the most out of them both in terms of looks and performance.

The demo itself clocks in at just over 18GB, so you’ll need to make sure you have plenty of room free before you commit to downloading the demo. According to the demo page on the Microsoft Store, it does support multiplayer, so we’ll see how well that works out.

If you haven’t seen Forza Horizon 3 in action yet or you’ve been avoiding it because the PS4 Pro has been taking up all your interest and time, you can check out a video below from Vikkstar123 featuring nearly eight minutes of gameplay from the E3 showcase.

I wasn’t too fond of the last Forza Horizon games. They felt empty, lacking and a bit lazy. It was hard to get enthused when it seemed like such a paint-by-numbers racer. Also, it didn’t seem particularly fast.

Here, I do admit that the speed of the game seems improved. It looks really fast based on the video. The graphics look good and there’s a strong sense of visual weight to the presentation as Australia is brought to life within this newest iteration of Forza Horizon.

Also, the music selection for the Forza Horizon titles are great. I always thought that one of the biggest drawbacks to Test Drive Unlimited was that they had some of the lamest selections of music available. They really should have played up the chillout Ibiza-themes in Test Drive Unlimited instead of just having generic EDM. Microsoft and Playground Games really put some effort into the soundtracks, bringing a great musical vibe to the atmosphere, so hopefully that also rings true for Forza Horizon 3.

You can download the demo starting at 8:00pm later today for the Xbox One. Forza Horizon 3 is due for release on September 27th for Windows 10 and the Xbox One.

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