Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters explores RPG elements and interacting with digital Monsters. Recently, Bandai Namco released information that Appli Monsters will be playable in Japan on December 1st, and will be for the Nintendo 3DS.
If you are excited to play the digital monster game now, there’s currently a playable demo that is up on the Japanese Nintendo eShop for gamers to play on their 3DS. The demo for Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters holds “Cyber Arena” at the end of its name, and is for free.
In addition to the demo players will get to experience the opening of the retail version when playing Appli Monsters Cyber Arena. This demo lets players battle their friends, and obtain items by playing everyday. The items and stuff found in the demo will be saved and can be transferred over into the full version of the game.
But, enough on the demo. The new trailer that is out now covers a wide range of features that include roaming around, battling and more. The near four minute long trailer can be seen below thanks to Digimon’s official channel.
Appli Monsters also allows players to customize the protagonist at the start of the game kinda like the newer Pokemon games. Speaking of Pokemon, this iteration of Digimon will also feature a rival character named Naoto in the beginning to keep players sharp and on their toes.
If you are into pre-ordering games the Japanese retail version holds a “Super Rare Special Appmon Chip” named Onmon. The pre-oder window will run from today (October 8th) and will end on October 24th.
Lastly, those looking forward to playing Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters on their 3DS will find that the game is set to launch in Japan on December 1st. For more information and details on the upcoming Digimon game you can hit up appmon-game.bn-ent.net.