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Gravity Rush 2 Live Stream Shows More Gameplay And PSO 2 Collaboration

Folks itching for news regarding Phantasy Star Online 2 and Gravity Rush 2, there is some goods news in that Famitsu posted up some new info via a live stream for both the former and the latter. The video was recorded back on October 20th and is now finally up for everyone to see, which shows gameplay of Gravity Rush 2 and a special collaboration with PSO 2. SIE Japan Studio will release Gravity Rush 2 on January 18th in Europe, January 19th in Japan, and January 20th in North America and the UK.

Fans who were waiting for news regarding Gravity Rush 2 and Phantasy Star Online 2 will now be able to drool over some visual footage that is up and available to watch, thanks to Famitsu and PlayStation Japan’s channel.

The new Gravity-Tsu video features around 25 minutes of gameplay that deals with flying around, fighting and so on. In other words, if you enjoy watching any kind of footage of the game you will most likely enjoy watching the new video.

This now takes us over to the end of the video below, which shows some small footage of Phantasy Star Online 2. If you don’t know, I’m a big fan of PSO games, especially Phantasy Star Online (the 2000 edition). I had so much fun trying to get rare stuff and getting to level 130, although there are some videos showing some people at level 200 — which is pretty insane. But getting back on track, a screenshot shows the collaboration between the two titles.


The new video holds segments of Gravity Rush 2 gameplay at 10:02 all the way until 35:20. Those who are curious as to what is going on between the given times, the video shows Kat’s Jupiter Style and her in the waitress outfit that was shown in the PlayStation Facebook screenshots.

Looking five minutes ahead the 35:20 minute mark comes the Phantasy Star Online 2 collaboration footage. This starts up around 40:43 and ends at 41:52. You can check out the video below courtesy of PlayStation Japan‘s channel.

Gravity Rush 2 is set to release on January 18th, 2017, in Europe, January 19th in Japan, and January 20th in both North America and the UK.

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