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NieR: Automata Gains A New 30 Minute Video Showing Gameplay

After Famitsu released a noteworthy amount of information regarding NieR: Automata, later that day Square Enix and Platinum Games released a new gameplay video that came as part of the game’s first live stream “regular stream”. The gameplay video covers YoRHa 2B riding an animal around the world, and also reveals the Pod Programs that will help support the player.

The live stream runs for one full hour and 11 minutes and 11 seconds, and is actually the second of two videos that were released for the game. The first video, however, was put on private forcing the second video to fill in the place of the first. Thankfully, the second video offers enough content to make up for the private affair and was posed up courtesy of Square Enix’s official YouTube channel.

The new gameplay video also arrives after the special edition or the Japanese first print for NieR: Automata was announced. The newly announced first print provides special skins for Pods, and a Machine Life-Form Head.

Speaking of Pods, their purpose in the game can fulfill multiple roles and one of which is fishing. A Pod will be able to catch all sorts of things hidden in water and can be used to sell scraps, or to find better gear.

Aside from the Japanese first print edition, the video below also covers a Bronze trophy entitled “Inorganic Rider” by riding a boar-like creature around the land, meaning that there will be a nice amount of trophies to unlock.

Those who want to watch gameplay for NieR: Automata can begin watching the stream that sits below, which starts at 19:04 and ends around 49:55.

The video above comes in by Square Enix YouTube channel, and will most likely be followed by more streams in the near future seeing how the gameplay video above is the first in the “regular live stream”.

If you are excited and can’t wait for NieR: Automata, Square Enix and Platinum Games will release the hack-and-slash RPG over in Japan on February 23rd, and over in the West sometime early 2017. The former will receive the game for PS4, while the later will gain a PC version via Steam.

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