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Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle Announced For PS4, Xbox One

Bandai Namco announced that a new beat-’em-up console game is on the way for the PS4 and Xbox One based on the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from the early 1990s. The game is appropriately called Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle, not to be confused with that mopey, emo-teenage drama live-action film due to hit theaters.

The new game is made for fans and kids who missed out on one of the coolest martial arts shows on television from a couple of decades ago. Yes, there have been newer iterations of the Power Rangers, but none of them really compared to the original. There were also a lot of super cheesy knock-offs, like Big Bad Beetle Borgs, VR Troopers and the Kamen Riders.

Nevertheless, Bandai Namco’s Mega Battle is a throwback to the old-school style of beat-’em-ups, featuring the original cast of characters, Billy, Kimberly, Zack, the Asian girl, Jason and Tommy. The combat is really fast-paced and the game retains the cheesy villains and themes from the original, which should make a lot of fans of Saban’s galactic ninja warriors pretty nostalgic for the classic property. You can see what Bandai is doing with the game with the gameplay trailer below, courtesy of Machinima.

Hearing the classic theme song again and seeing the originals in cartoon form put a big smile across my face. It’s a reminder that there are some companies out there who still get it.

They also seemed to give Rita a bit of a… uh… boost in certain areas so that she’s… uh… very ample in her villainous proportions.

The combat is definitely a lot faster than the typical 16-bit beat-’em-ups from back in the day, so you’ll need to react fast and use some quick reflexes to keep up with the bad guys.

As the video showcases, players can grab three of their friends and either do online or local cooperative play in Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle. The game also features the use of the Megazord in giant one-on-one battles against mega monsters.

There’s an RPG element to the game as well to keep players coming back for more to make their Ranger(s) stronger.

I like that it retains that cheesiness from Saban’s original while still being kickbutt. There’s some mixed emotions about the game in the comment section on the YouTube video, but it sure as heck beats that moody, brooding, darker-than-a-leather-coat-in-a-closet-without-a-light-bulb reboot.

You can look for Saban’s Mighty Moprhin Power Rangers: Mega Battle to launch for the PS4 and Xbox One this upcoming January in 2017. There may be some more info over on the official website.

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