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December Games With Gold Include Sleeping Dogs, Burnout Paradise

If you’re an Xbox gamer playing on the Xbox 360 or Xbox One, you’ll have access to a total of four new games arriving for free as part of the Games With Gold program.

Those signed up with Xbox Live Gold will have access to two free games on the Xbox 360 in the form of Burnout Paradise between December 16th and December 30th to round out 2016, and Outland between December 1st and December 15th.

Over on the Xbox News Wire, former GameJournoPros member Will Tuttle lays out the details for the four games. If you own an Xbox One you will automatically gain access to the two aforementioned Xbox 360 titles due to the backwards compatibility feature.

So in addition to having Outland and Burnout Paradise slipped into your library, you’ll also be able to play Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition and Outlast for the Xbox One.

Out of all the games, Sleeping Dogs is definitely my favorite. It’s one of the few open-world action games out there that has a ton of replayability and is worth playing over and over again.

Burnout Paradise wasn’t bad, but the biggest drawback to the game was the open world. It was designed nicely and had great graphics and some cool levels, but it was too darn empty! The multiplayer was practically dead the last time I dabbled in the game a few years back, but maybe after sitting on the shelf, gaining a bit of digital dust and then being thrown into the arms of Xbox 360 owners for free will revitalize the multiplayer scene.

All four games are free so there’s absolutely nothing to lose by putting in some time and effort to add them to your library. The only drawback, of course, would be bandwidth. You can look to get your hands on the next cache of December’s Games With Gold starting next month.

(Main image courtesy of Ash Williams)

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